Foundry dust extraction | CIPRES FILTR BRNO


Foundries dust extraction

  • Shake-out grids and sand holding dust extraction
  • Castings machining extraction
  • Water separators replacement
  • Recommended product: CARM GH

Foundries require efficient extraction systems

Foundries are among the biggest dust producing applications. Dust is released from operating with foundry sand and its regeneration and storage, but also from machining castings, grinding or flame cutting. Every foundry workplace needs efficient and intensive dust extraction.

Shake-out grids and sand holding dust extraction

The most common application of filtration and extraction devices is with shake-out grids and sand transportation, regeneration and storage. It is difficult to determine sufficient exhaust power for each workplace. Each filter is designed with high-capacity dust containers. The pipeline is as short as possible due to highly abrasive extracted materials. The best choice is using CARM GH filtration device with built-in pre-separators for coarse dust particles.

Water separators replacement

Our solutions include replacing outdated water separators with new fabric filtration devices. When replacing water separators, we first consider the volume of extracted air for each extraction pipe connecting point, and only then we start designing a specific extraction system. In many cases, water separators are designed with either unnecessarily high or insufficiently low exhaust power.

Blasters air extraction

Air-blasters extraction is a very common application. Our company cooperates with many important blasters manufacturers, for which we produce compatible custom-made filtration systems. At the same time, we focus on extraction with older types of blasters. An important component of blaster extraction system is a pre-separator placed directly at the blaster. Modern machines are already equipped with pre-separator, but we provide them for the countless older machines to prevent excessive extraction of otherwise usable abrasive.

Filtered air circulation

For our applications, we use CARM GH filtration device with automatic filter medium regeneration using compressed air counterflow. Filtered air from foundries can be returned back to the workplace, however only if it has not been contaminated with malodorous scents. For filtration devices in foundries, we guarantee residual dust particle drift between 1 and 2 mg/m3.

Smart exhaust power controls

Our air extraction systems with smart exhaust power controls are increasingly in high demand. Filtration device with frequency converter, automatic flaps, regulator and sensors controls the exhaust power in individual workplaces. Regulating exhaust power in foundries is specific for the necessity to have each regulated extraction branch lead from the dust source directly to the filtration device. Insufficient exhaust power might cause undesired foundry dust accumulation inside the pipes. The smart control filtration system starts and shuts down automatically. Using smart controls helps to cut down electricity costs for our clients.

Filter medium replacement cost

We design and deliver our solutions for our clients with minimum filtration device maintenance cost in mind. Our devices are equipped with smooth filtration sleeves made of microporous filtration fabric. Filtration sleeves won’t create deposits, don’t tear and have high mechanical resistance. For foundry applications, we guarantee filter medium service life of at least 20 000 hours.

Why work with us

We design and install all solutions ourselves and with our own products. We are 100 % liable for our finished solutions. We strive for high-quality, energy-saving air extraction solutions. We focus on low operating costs and long operating life of filter medium.

To learn more, contact us.